Collective worship

Why do we hold collective worship?
It is a statutory requirement that all UK schools hold an act of collective worship each day, which must be broadly Christian in nature.
Worship is integral to the life and ethos of Saint James Primary School, and sessions might be led by:
- Staff
- A Priest or Assistant Curate from Saint James church
- Pupils
- Visitors to the school
What do we include in our worship?
Worship themes
Collective worship is carefully planned and for each half term, and it follows a different theme each week.
This theme may be influenced by one of the Christian values (either one of our chosen values of Love, Respect and Courage or another value that the children are less familiar with).
The weekly theme could also be shaped by a nationally or internationally observed week or day (such as Mental Health Week or Martin Luther King Day) or an event in the Christian calendar, for example Harvest or Epiphany.
Bible readings
Each week includes the sharing of a related bible story or verse and gives opportunity for the children to respond to, and reflect upon, what they have experienced and how it has transformed them and their thinking.
As part of collective worship, we encourage prayer and reflection at the beginning and end of each day, before lunch and on other important occasions.
The children are encouraged to contribute their own prayers to their class’ prayer book.
Your right to withdraw your child
Although rooted in the Christian faith, our collective worship is accessible to all members of the school community whatever their religious background or beliefs.
However, our school recognises that some parents will still choose to exercise their right to withdraw their child from collective worship.
To withdraw your child from acts of worship you'll need to contact the Head Teacher by email.