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Maths curriculum



At Saint James Primary School, we believe that Mathematics is not only a fundamental academic subject but also an essential part of developing well-rounded individuals. We are committed to nurturing strong learners in maths who embody our core values of love, respect, and courage.

We understand that Mathematics plays a crucial role in supporting resilience, as students learn to reason and problem solve. By developing their mathematical language, our students become fluent mathematicians who are able to apply concepts to real-life contexts. They will also be able to make connections between different mathematical concepts, allowing them to transfer their understanding to other areas of the curriculum and God’s world.

To achieve this, we provide our students with a range of mathematical representations, progressing from concrete to pictorial and abstract. Through this approach, we aim to ensure that all students acquire a deep, long-term, secure, and purposeful understanding of the subject. Our curriculum is structured in a way that allows students to develop their skills and vocabulary progressively through small steps with opportunity for extension and challenge.

We place a strong emphasis on developing our students' fluency in written and mental calculations through guided, varied, and frequent practice. Our goal is to empower our students to become independent learners who can confidently apply their knowledge and skills creatively and efficiently within problem-solving.

Additionally, we strive to develop our students' ability to measure accurately using different units of measure and to recognize, classify, and draw precise shapes. They will also learn to interpret and present data in a variety of different ways, enhancing their analytical skills.

By engaging with our mathematics curriculum, our students will become courageous problem solvers who can reason effectively using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. Through their journey as mathematicians, we aim to foster an understanding of the relevance of mathematics and cultivate a lifelong passion for and commitment to this subject.

I embody the spirit of a Mathematician, I…

  • Read and write numbers.

  • Count forwards and backwards in multiple ways.

  • Compare and order numbers.

  • Interpret and present data.

  • Estimate and round numbers.

  • Tell the time.

  • Recognize the place value of numbers and understand their various representations.

  • Calculate using both formal and informal methods.

  • Measure accurately using different units and convert between them.

  • Reason effectively using mathematical vocabulary.

  • Identify, classify, and draw shapes.

  • Solve a wide range of number and practical problems.

Through these endeavours, we aim to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to become resilient, courageous, and proficient mathematicians who can apply their mathematical understanding to navigate challenges and overcome difficulties they may face in their future.


• Mathematics is taught daily for one hour.

• Additional opportunities for practice include core skills, mental arithmetic ("Daily 5"), and times tables

• We follow the national curriculum and use the White Rose Hub for planning and support.

We enrich our curriculum with additional tasks and challenges from sources such as, NRICH, NCETM and 'I see Reasoning'.

• TTRockstars is used for times table practice.

• NumBots is used in Key Stage 1.

• Mathematics skills are incorporated into other subjects such as Science, Design and Technology and Computing.

• Mathematics lessons are in books and photographed when necessary.

• Assessment is done using termly summative assessments.

• Opportunities to review prior learning is incorporated into all lessons.

• Vocabulary is explicitly taught in every lesson.

• We subscribe to White Rose Hub and Times Tables Rockstars/NumBots for resources, planning, assessment documents, and interactive curriculum opportunities.


  • Assessment of knowledge, skills, and understanding in mathematics is both formative and summative.

  • Teachers make judgments at the end of each unit, with children completing AFL tasks to reveal their understanding.

  • Formal assessments, in the form of Rising Stars 'PUMA' test are completed termly.

  • The subject leader monitors the quality of lessons, student work, and the display of mathematical concepts on classroom walls.

  • The subject leader regularly does training for all teachers.

Focus on students mastering key knowledge and skills in mathematics:

  • Summative assessments show alignment with age-related expectations.

  • Book monitoring and learning walks provide formative assessment to inform next steps and ensure progress.

  • Guided practice and independent practice are evident within lessons.

  • Pupil conferencing showcases students' confidence in articulating their learning using mathematical vocabulary.

Focus on fostering effective learning behaviours and characteristics:

  • Pupil conferencing highlights students' understanding of learning characteristics associated with being a mathematician.

  • Mathematical characteristics and key vocabulary are displayed in the environment.

  • The environment is designed to promote independent development of mathematical characteristics.

  • Learning walks demonstrate rich mathematical discussions and a celebratory culture that shares successes and failures.

Focus on students having clear understanding of the school values of love, respect and courage:

  • Students are motivated by a strong personal sense of morality.

  • They utilize mathematical characteristics and prior learning to tackle new problems with courage and a growth mindset.

  • Students make decisions for the right reasons and in the best interests of their community, showing respect for all.

  • They are aware of local, national, and global issues and understand the impact of mathematics in God’s world.