Physical education curriculum
At Saint James Primary School, we believe that Physical Education (PE) is essential in providing children with a holistic educational experience. Our aim is to inspire students to excel individually and as part of a team.
Through our PE curriculum, children will not only learn the physical and emotional benefits of being active, but also understand the importance of sports in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and its positive impact on society. We believe that by offering a wide range of sporting experiences, children can develop key social skills that can be transferred across all subjects.
In addition, our PE lessons emphasize the importance of teamwork, fairness, and respect through competitive sports. We encourage our students to be physically active for a sustained amount of time, fostering social skills with their peers, and independent goal-setting.
At Saint James Primary School, PE is a priority subject. We provide numerous opportunities for our students to participate in enrichment experiences, including competitive sports competitions, school tournaments and sports days. These purposeful experiences allow children to apply their learning in new contexts, develop confidence, and enhance their emotional resilience.
We believe that competence in physical activities raise aspirations for our children. By promoting physical activity, we also prioritize their well-being and physical and mental health.
I embody the spirit of a Sportsperson, I...
• Review, analyse and evaluate my strengths and weaknesses.
• Encourage and support others to be successful, leading with the value of love.
• Respond to different situations effectively.
• Cooperate and give helpful and useful feedback.
• Perform a variety of movements and skills in both competitive and non-competitive game situations.
• Understand the importance of maintaining a healthy physical lifestyle and how that impacts on my mental and emotional wellbeing.
• Embrace challenge and see it as an opportunity to learn and progress.
Our PE curriculum aims to help everyone lead healthy and active lifestyles, develop and improve their skills, be courageous in both winning and losing, and foster leadership and teamwork skills to promote respect and love towards others.
At Saint James Primary School, we take a rounded approach to Physical Education, School Sports and Physical Activity. We
strive to encourage all pupils to keep physical active throughout the day to improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
PE is an important and holistic subject that encourages active learning and a healthy lifestyle.
• Physical development is one of the prime areas in Early Years. Children learn and practice gross motor skills negotiating space, demonstrating balance and co-ordination, and moving energetically.
• Class teachers use the curriculum scheme from Learning Through Sport to ensure continuity, consistency, and progression.
• We use Learning Through Sport as an outside provider to plan and deliver our PE scheme of work based on the national curriculum.
• PE has strong links with our PSHE intent regarding personal development and building resilience. We believe that sport has a positive outcome on pupils' well-being.
• PE is assessed through pupil outcomes within lessons. LTS coaches assess learning and record how secure learning and skills are.
• The school runs a number of organized sports events to extend the opportunities children have to participate in competitive sports events.
• The school runs a number of after-school sports clubs.
• Our units provide a progressive curriculum that teaches a variety of skills for basic physical activity such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching. This progresses into further development with their balance, agility, technique, and coordination.
• From Year 1 onwards, this teaching is divided into two main lessons. The outside sports with a PE specialist from Learning Through Sport (LTS) while a wide variety of other sports including dance and gymnastics are taught by the class teacher. We believe this enables the students to benefit from the knowledge of two teachers.
• In 2018, Fitter future was introduced to encourage movement breaks in the afternoons. We believe it is a fantastic way to reenergize and refocus during long lessons. We now use Get Set for PE's movement breaks or sections from their classroom PE lessons.
• During COVID-19, Saint James had to adapt their indoor PE to taking part in The Daily Mile™. This has continued to be a large part of our week to encourage movement and an active lifestyle.
• Lunchtime play equipment has been purchased with the idea of raising the profile of PE and a fit and healthy lifestyle during unstructured time at school. The equipment is linked to the main PE objectives e.g. tennis rackets and scoped to encourage hand-eye coordination.
• Year 6 play leaders are trained each year to encourage active play while encouraging and reminding pupils of their learning in PE lessons during lunchtime.
At Saint James, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and inclusive PE curriculum that promotes physical well-being, personal development, and resilience among all of our students.
- Our students' physical skills are evaluated in accordance with the PE progression of skills document.
- The PE subject leader actively oversees the implementation of the curriculum through regular lesson observations.
- Our PE subject leader maintains regular communication with external providers, meeting with them every half term to discuss planning, assessment, and the progress of our students.
- Attainment in measured electronically using Get Set for PE after every half term and then overall on our foundation subject spreadsheet termly, allowing both Learning Through Sport teachers and class teachers to pool their knowledge.
More importantly, we believe that physical education is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. We give as many children as possible the opportunity to join school clubs—many of them free-, be part of a school team and even enter events or competitions. We want physical activity to be something the children enjoy and see the benefits off before they move onto secondary.
Curriculum overview
A summary of the PE curriculum can be downloaded, or viewed in the accordian container below:
Introduction to PE: Unit 1
- Follow simple instructions.
- Share their ideas with others.
- Explore activities making own decisions in response to a task.
- Make decisions about where to move in space.
- Make decisions about where to move in space.
- Begin to identify personal success.
Ball Skills: Unit 1
- Drop and catch with two hands.
- Move a ball with feet.
- Throw and roll a variety of beanbags and larger balls to space.
- Kick larger balls to space.
- Stop a beanbag or large ball sent to them using hands.
- Attempt to stop a large ball sent to them using feet.
- Hit a ball with hands.
- Run and stop when instructed.
- Move around showing limited awareness of others.
- Make simple decisions in response to a situation
Introduction to PE: Unit 2
- Follow simple instructions.
- Share their ideas with others.
- Explore activities making own decisions in response to a task.
- Make decisions about where to move in space.
- Make decisions about where to move in space.
- Begin to identify personal success.
Fundamentals: Unit 1
- Run and stop with some control.
- Explore skipping as a travelling action.
- Jump and hop with bent knees.
- Throwing larger balls and beanbags into space.
- Balance whilst stationary and on the move.
- Change direction at a slow pace.
- Explore moving different body parts together.
Gymnastic: Unit 1
- Create shapes showing a basic level of stillness using different parts of their bodies.
- Begin to take weight on different body parts.
- Show shapes and actions that stretch their bodies.
- Show shapes and actions that stretch their bodies.
Ball Skills: Unit 2
- Drop and catch with two hands.
- Move a ball with feet.
- Throw and roll a variety of beanbags and larger balls to space.
- Kick larger balls to space.
- Stop a beanbag or large ball sent to them using hands.
- Attempt to stop a large ball sent to them using feet.
- Hit a ball with hands.
- Run and stop when instructed.
- Move around showing limited awareness of others.
- Make simple decisions in response to a situation
Gymnastics: Unit 2
- Create shapes showing a basic level of stillness using different parts of their bodies.
- Begin to take weight on different body parts.
- Show shapes and actions that stretch their bodies.
- Show shapes and actions that stretch their bodies.
Fundamentals: Unit 2
- Run and stop with some control.
- Explore skipping as a travelling action.
- Jump and hop with bent knees.
- Throwing larger balls and beanbags into space.
- Balance whilst stationary and on the move.
- Change direction at a slow pace.
- Explore moving different body parts together.
Dance : Unit 1
- Copy basic body actions and rhythms.
- Choose and use travelling actions, shapes and balances.
- Travel in different pathways using the space around them.
- Begin to use dynamics and expression with guidance.
- Begin to count to music.
Games: Unit 1
- Drop and catch with two hands.
- Move a ball with feet.
- Throw and roll a variety of beanbags and larger balls to space.
- Kick larger balls to space.
- Stop a beanbag or large ball sent to them using hands.
- Attempt to stop a large ball sent to them using feet.
- Hit a ball with hands.
- Run and stop when instructed.
- Move around showing limited awareness of others.
- Make simple decisions in response to a situation
Dance: Unit 2
- Copy basic body actions and rhythms.
- Choose and use travelling actions, shapes and balances.
- Travel in different pathways using the space around them.
- Begin to use dynamics and expression with guidance.
- Begin to count to music.
Games Unit 2
- Drop and catch with two hands.
- Move a ball with feet.
- Throw and roll a variety of beanbags and larger balls to space.
- Kick larger balls to space.
- Stop a beanbag or large ball sent to them using hands.
- Attempt to stop a large ball sent to them using feet.
- Hit a ball with hands.
- Run and stop when instructed.
- Move around showing limited awareness of others.
- Make simple decisions in response to a situation
LTS – Fundamentals for Year 1 and 2.
- Attempt to run at different speeds showing an awareness of technique.
- Begin to link running and jumping movements with some control.
- Jump, leap and hop and choosing which allows them to jump the furthest.
- Throw towards a target.
- Show some control and balance when travelling at different speeds.
- Begin to show balance and co-ordination when changing direction.
- Use co-ordination with and without equipment.
CT – Dance
- Copy, remember and repeat actions.
- Choose actions for an idea.
- Use changes of direction, speed and levels with guidance.
- Show some sense of dynamic and expressive qualities
- Begin to use counts.
LTS – Ball Skills
- Drop and catch a ball after one bounce on the move.
- Move a ball using different parts of the foot.
- Throw and roll towards a target with some varying techniques.
- Kick towards a stationary target.
- Catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball.
- Attempt to track balls and other equipment sent to them.
- Strike a stationary ball using a racket.
- Run, stop and change direction with some balance and control.
- Recognise space in relation to others.
- Begin to use simple tactics with guidance.
CT – Team Building
- Follow instructions.
- Begin to work with a partner and a small group.
- Understand the rules of the game and suggest ideas to solve simple tasks
- Copy a simple diagram/map.
- Identify own and others' success.
LTS – Sending and Receiving
- Drop and catch a ball after one bounce on the move.
- Move a ball using different parts of the foot.
- Throw and roll towards a target with some varying techniques.
- Kick towards a stationary target.
- Catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball.
- Attempt to track balls and other equipment sent to them.
- Strike a stationary ball using a racket.
- Run, stop and change direction with some balance and control.
- Recognise space in relation to others.
- Begin to use simple tactics with guidance.
CT – Gymnastics
- Perform balances making their body tense, stretched and curled.
- Take body weight on hands for short periods of time.
- Demonstrate poses and movements that challenge their flexibility.
- Remember, repeat and link simple actions together.
LTS – Invasion CT – Target Games
- Drop and catch a ball after one bounce on the move.
- Move a ball using different parts of the foot.
- Throw and roll towards a target with some varying techniques.
- Kick towards a stationary target.
- Catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball.
- Attempt to track balls and other equipment sent to them.
- Strike a stationary ball using a racket.
- Run, stop and change direction with some balance and control.
- Recognise space in relation to others.
- Begin to use simple tactics with guidance.
LTS – Athletics CT – Fitness
- Attempt to run at different speeds showing an awareness of technique.
- Begin to link running and jumping movements with some control.
- Jump, leap and hop and choosing which allows them to jump the furthest.
- Throw towards a target.
- Show some control and balance when travelling at different speeds.
- Begin to show balance and co-ordination when changing direction.
- Use co-ordination with and without equipment.
LTS – Striking and Fielding
CT – Net and Wall
- Throw and roll towards a target with some varying techniques..
- Catch a beanbag and a medium-sized ball.
- Attempt to track balls and other equipment sent to them.
- Strike a stationary ball using a racket.
- Run, stop and change direction with some balance and control.
- Recognise space in relation to others.
- Begin to use simple tactics with guidance.
LTS – Fundamentals for Year 1 and 2.
- Show balance and coordination when running at different speeds.
- Link running and jumping movements with some control and balance.
- Show hopping and jumping movements with some balance and control.
- Change technique to throw for distance.
- Show control and balance when travelling at different speeds.
- Demonstrates balance and co-ordination when changing direction.
- Perform actions with increased control when co-ordinating their body with and without equipment.
CT – Dance
- Copy, remember and repeat a series of actions.
- Select from a wider range of actions in relation to a stimulus.
- Use pathways, levels, shapes, directions, speeds and timing with guidance.
- Use mirroring and unison when completing actions with a partner.
- Show a character through actions, dynamics and expression.
- Use counts with help to stay in time with the music.
LTS – Ball Skills
- Dribble a ball with two hands on the move.
- Dibble a ball with some success, stopping it when required.
- Throw and roll towards a target using varying techniques with some success.
- Show balance when kicking towards a target.
- Catch an object passed to them, with and without a bounce.
- Move to track a ball and stop it using feet with limited success.
- Run, stop and change direction with balance and control.
- Move to space to help score goals or limit others scoring.
- Use simple tactics.
CT – Team Building
- Identify own and others' success.
- Work co-operatively with a partner and a small group, taking turns and listening to each other.
- Try different ideas to solve a task.
- Follow and create a simple diagram/map.
- Understand when a challenge is solved successfully and begin to suggest simple ways to improve.
LTS – Sending and Receiving
- Dibble a ball with some success, stopping it when required.
- Throw and roll towards a target using varying techniques with some success.
- Show balance when kicking towards a target.
- Catch an object passed to them, with and without a bounce.
- Move to track a ball and stop it using feet with limited success.
- Run, stop and change direction with balance and control.
- Move to space to help score goals or limit others scoring.
- Use simple tactics.
CT – Gymnastics
- Perform balances on different body parts with some control and balance.
- Take body weight on different body parts, with and without apparatus.
- Show increased awareness of extension and flexibility in actions.
- Copy, remember, repeat and plan linking simple actions with some control and technique.
LTS – Invasion CT – Target Games
- Dribble a ball with two hands on the move.
- Dibble a ball with some success, stopping it when required.
- Throw and roll towards a target using varying techniques with some success.
- Show balance when kicking towards a target.
- Catch an object passed to them, with and without a bounce.
- Move to track a ball and stop it using feet with limited success.
- Run, stop and change direction with balance and control.
- Move to space to help score goals or limit others scoring.
LTS – Athletics CT – Fitness
- Show balance and coordination when running at different speeds.
- Link running and jumping movements with some control and balance.
- Show hopping and jumping movements with some balance and control.
- Change technique to throw for distance.
- Show control and balance when travelling at different speeds.
- Demonstrates balance and co-ordination when changing direction.
- Perform actions with increased control when co-ordinating their body with and without equipment.
- Use simple tactics.
LTS – Striking and Fielding
CT – Net and Wall
- Dibble a ball with some success, stopping it when required.
- Throw and roll towards a target using varying techniques with some success.
- Show balance when kicking towards a target.
- Catch an object passed to them, with and without a bounce.
- Move to track a ball and stop it using feet with limited success.
- Strike a ball using a racket.
- Run, stop and change direction with balance and control.
- Move to space to help score goals or limit others scoring.
- Use simple tactics.
LTS – Football
- Dribble the ball with one hand with some control in game situations.
- Dribble a ball with feet with some control in game situations.
- Kick towards a partner in game situations.
- Receive a ball sent to them using different parts of the foot.
- Strike a ball with varying techniques.
- Change direction with increasing speed in game situations.
- Use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics individually and within a team.
CT – Fundamentals for Year 3 and 4.
- Show balance, coordination and technique when running at different speeds, stopping with control
- Link running, hopping and jumping actions using different take offs and landing.
- Jump for distance and height with an awareness of technique
- Throw a variety of objects, changing action for accuracy and distance
- Demonstrate balance when performing other fundamental skills.
- Show balance when changing direction in combination with other skills.
- Can co-ordinate their bodies with increased consistency in a variety of activities.
LTS – Ball skills
- Dribble the ball with one hand with some control in game situations.
- Dribble a ball with feet with some control in game situations.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques in game situations.
- Kick towards a partner in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with some success.
- Receive a ball sent to them using different parts of the foot.
- Strike a ball with varying techniques.
- Change direction with increasing speed in game situations.
- Use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics individually and within a team.
CT - Gymnastics
- Complete balances with increasing stability, control and technique
- Demonstrate some strength and control when taking weight on different body parts for longer periods of time.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in their actions.
- Choose actions that flow well into one another both on and off apparatus.
LTS – Netball
- Use a variety of throwing techniques in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with some success.
- Change direction with increasing speed in game situations.
- Use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics individually and within a team.
CT - Dance
- Copy remember and perform a dance phrase.
- Create short dance phrases that communicate an idea.
- Use canon, unison and formation to represent an idea.
- Match dynamic and and expressive qualities to a range of ideas.
- Use counts to keep in time with a partner and group.
LTS – Tennis
- Use a variety of throwing techniques in game situations.
- Strike a ball with varying techniques.
- Change direction with increasing speed in game situations.
- Use space with some success in game situations.
CT - Yoga
- Complete balances with increasing stability, control and technique
- Demonstrate some strength and control when taking weight on different body parts for longer periods of time.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in their actions.
- Choose actions that flow well into one another both on and off apparatus.
LTS – Athletics CT – Fitness
- Show balance, coordination and technique when running at different speeds, stopping with control
- Link running, hopping and jumping actions using different take offs and landing.
- Jump for distance and height with an awareness of technique
- Throw a variety of objects, changing action for accuracy and distance
- Demonstrate balance when performing other fundamental skills.
- Show balance when changing direction in combination with other skills.
- Can co-ordinate their bodies with increased consistency in a variety of activities.
LTS – Rounders CT – Cricket
- Use a variety of throwing techniques in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with some success.
- Strike a ball with varying techniques.
- Change direction with increasing speed in game situations.
- Use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics individually and within a team.
LTS – Football
- Link dribbling the ball with other actions with increasing control.
- Change direction when dribbling with feet with some control in game situations.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with increasing success in game situations.
- Kick with increasing success in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with increasing success.
- Receive a ball using different parts of the foot under pressure.
- Strike a ball using varying techniques with increasing accuracy.
- Change direction to lose an opponent with some success.
- Create and use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics to help their team score or gain possession.
CT – Fundamentals for Year 3 and 4.
- Demonstrate how and when to speed up and slow down when running.
- Link hopping and jumping actions with some control.
- Jump for distance and height showing balance and control.
- Throw with some accuracy and power towards a target area.
- Demonstrate good balance when performing other fundamental skills.
- Show balance when changing direction at speed in combination with other skills.
- Begin to co-ordinate their body at speed in response to a task.
LTS – Ball skills
- Link dribbling the ball with other actions with increasing control.
- Change direction when dribbling with feet with some control in game situations.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with increasing success in game situations.
- Kick with increasing success in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with increasing success.
- Receive a ball using different parts of the foot under pressure.
- Strike a ball using varying techniques with increasing accuracy.
- Change direction to lose an opponent with some success.
- Create and use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics to help their team score or gain possession.
CT – Dance
- Copy, remember and adapt set choreography.
- Choreograph considering structure individually, with a partner and in a group.
- Use action and reaction to represent an idea.
- Change dynamics to express changes in character or narrative.
- Use counts when choreographing short phrases.
LTS – Netball
- Link dribbling the ball with other actions with increasing control.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with increasing success in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with increasing success.
- Change direction to lose an opponent with some success.
- Create and use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics to help their team score or gain possession.
CT - Gymnastics
- Use body tension to perform balances both individually and with a partner.
- Use body tension to perform balances both individually and with a partner.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in more challenging actions.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in more challenging actions.
LTS – Tennis
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with increasing success in game situations.
- Return a ball using varying techniques with increasing accuracy.
- Change direction to lose an opponent with some success.
- Create and use space with some success in game situations.
CT – Yoga
- Use body tension to perform balances both individually and with a partner.
- Use body tension to perform balances both individually and with a partner.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in more challenging actions.
- Demonstrate increased flexibility and extension in more challenging actions.
LTS – Athletics
- Demonstrate how and when to speed up and slow down when running.
- Link hopping and jumping actions with some control.
- Jump for distance and height showing balance and control.
- Throw with some accuracy and power towards a target area.
- Demonstrate good balance when performing other fundamental skills.
- Show balance when changing direction at speed in combination with other skills.
- Begin to co-ordinate their body at speed in response to a task.
CT – Swimming
- Confidently and consistently retrieve an object from the floor with the same breath
- Begin to co-ordinate breath in time with basic strokes showing some consistency in timing.
- Begin to co-ordinate breath in time with basic strokes showing some consistency in timing.
- Combine gliding and floating on front and back over an increased distance.
- Float on front and back using different shapes with increased control.
- Comfortably demonstrate sculling head first, feet first and treading water.
LTS – Rounders
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with increasing success in game situations.
- Catch a ball passed to them using one and two hands with increasing success.
- Strike a ball using varying techniques with increasing accuracy.
- Change direction to lose an opponent with some success.
- Create and use space with some success in game situations.
- Use simple tactics to help their team score or gain possession.
CT – Fitness
- Demonstrate how and when to speed up and slow down when running.
- Link hopping and jumping actions with some control.
- Jump for distance and height showing balance and control.
- Throw with some accuracy and power towards a target area.
- Demonstrate good balance when performing other fundamental skills.
- Show balance when changing direction at speed in combination with other skills.
- Begin to co-ordinate their body at speed in response to a task.
LTS – Football
- Use dribbling to change the direction of play with some control under pressure.
- Dribble with feet with some control under increasing pressure.
- Use a variety of kicking techniques with some control under increasing pressure.
- Receive a ball using different parts of the foot under pressure with increasing control.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills. Apply these with some success under pressure.
- Use a variety of techniques to change direction to lose an opponent.
- Create and use space for self and others with some success.
- Understand the need for tactics and can identify when to use them in different situations.
CT – Gymnastics
- Show increasing control and balance when moving from one balance to another.
- Show increasing control and balance when moving from one balance to another.
- Use flexibility to improve the quality of the actions they perform as well as the actions they choose to link them.
- Use flexibility to improve the quality of the actions they perform as well as the actions they choose to link them.
LTS – Netball CT – Dodgeball
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with some control under increasing pressure.
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with some success in game situations.
- Use a variety of techniques to change direction to lose an opponent.
- Create and use space for self and others with some success.
- Understand the need for tactics and can identify when to use them in different situations.
LTS – Basketball
- Use dribbling to change the direction of play with some control under pressure.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with some control under increasing pressure.
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with some success in game situations.
- Use a variety of techniques to change direction to lose an opponent.
- Create and use space for self and others with some success.
- Understand the need for tactics and can identify when to use them in different situations.
CT - Dance
- Accurately copy and repeat set choreography in different styles of dance showing a good sense of timing.
- Choreograph phrases individually and with others considering actions, dynamics, space and relationships in response to a stimulus.
- Confidently perform choosing appropriate dynamics to represent an idea.
- Use counts accurately when choreographing to perform in time with others and the music.
LTS – Tennis
- Return a ball using a wider range of skills. Apply these with some success under pressure.
- Use a variety of techniques to change direction to lose an opponent.
- Create and use space for self and others with some success.
- Understand the need for tactics and can identify when to use them in different situations.
CT – Yoga
- Show increasing control and balance when moving from one balance to another.
- Show increasing control and balance when moving from one balance to another.
- Use flexibility to improve the quality of the actions they perform as well as the actions they choose to link them.
LTS – Athletics CT – Fitness
- Run at the appropriate speed over longer distances or for longer periods of time.
- Show control at takeoff and landing in more complex jumping activities.
- Perform a range of more complex jumps showing some technique.
- Show accuracy and power when throwing for distance
- Demonstrate good balance and control when performing other fundamental skills.
- Demonstrate improved body posture and speed when changing direction.
- Can co-ordinate a range of body parts at increased speed
LTS – Rounders CT – Cricket
- Use a variety of throwing techniques with some control under increasing pressure.
- Use a variety of kicking techniques with some control under increasing pressure.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills. Apply these with some success under pressure.
- Use a variety of techniques to change direction to lose an opponent.
- Create and use space for self and others with some success.
- Understand the need for tactics and can identify when to use them in different situations.
LTS – Football
- Use dribbling to change the direction of play with control under pressure.
- Use a variety of dribbling techniques to maintain possession under pressure.
- Select and apply the appropriate kicking technique with control.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills to outwit an opponent. Apply these with increasing control under pressure.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.
CT – Gymnastics
- Combine and perform more complex balances with control, technique and fluency.
- Demonstrate more complex actions with a good level of strength and technique.
- Confidently transition from one action to another showing appropriate control and extension for the complexity of the action.
- Plan and perform with precision, control and fluency, a sequence of actions including a wide range of skills.
LTS – Netball
- Use a variety of throwing techniques including fake passes to outwit an opponent.
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with increasing success in game situations.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.
CT – Dance
- Perform dances confidently and fluently with accuracy and good timing.
- Work creatively and imaginatively individually, with a partner and in a group to choreograph longer phrases and structure dance considering actions, space, relationship and dynamics in relation to a theme.
- Improvise and combine dynamics demonstrating an awareness of the impact on performance
- Use counts when choreographing and performing to improve the quality of work.
LTS – Basketball
- Use dribbling to change the direction of play with control under pressure.
- Use a variety of dribbling techniques to maintain possession under pressure.
- Use a variety of throwing techniques including fake passes to outwit an opponent.
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with increasing success in game situations.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.
CT – Active SATs Revision
- Demonstrate a controlled running technique using the appropriate speed over longer distances or for longer periods of time.
- Link running, jumping and hopping actions with greater control and co-ordination.
- Perform jumps for height and distance using good technique.
- Show accuracy and good technique when throwing for distance.
- Show fluency and control when travelling, landing, stopping and changing direction.
- Change direction with a fluent action and can transition smoothly between varying speeds.
- Can co-ordinate a range of body parts with a fluent action at a speed appropriate to the challenge.
LTS – Tennis
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with increasing success in game situations.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills to outwit an opponent. Apply these with increasing control under pressure.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.
CT – Active SATs Revision
- Demonstrate a controlled running technique using the appropriate speed over longer distances or for longer periods of time.
- Link running, jumping and hopping actions with greater control and co-ordination.
- Perform jumps for height and distance using good technique.
- Show accuracy and good technique when throwing for distance.
- Show fluency and control when travelling, landing, stopping and changing direction.
- Change direction with a fluent action and can transition smoothly between varying speeds.
- Can co-ordinate a range of body parts with a fluent action at a speed appropriate to the challenge.
LTS – Athletics
CT – Fitness
- Demonstrate a controlled running technique using the appropriate speed over longer distances or for longer periods of time.
- Link running, jumping and hopping actions with greater control and co-ordination.
- Perform jumps for height and distance using good technique.
- Show accuracy and good technique when throwing for distance.
- Show fluency and control when travelling, landing, stopping and changing direction.
- Change direction with a fluent action and can transition smoothly between varying speeds.
- Can co-ordinate a range of body parts with a fluent action at a speed appropriate to the challenge.
LTS – Rounders
- Use a variety of throwing techniques including fake passes to outwit an opponent.
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with increasing success in game situations.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills to outwit an opponent. Apply these with increasing control under pressure.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.
CT – Cricket
- Catch and intercept a ball using one and two hands with increasing success in game situations.
- Receive a ball with consideration to the next move.
- Strike a ball using a wider range of skills to outwit an opponent. Apply these with increasing control under pressure.
- Confidently change direction to successfully outwit an opponent.