Phonics curriculum
At Saint James, we believe that learning to read is a life-long achievement and the most important thing
that pupils learn at school. Reading underpins a lot of other skills that children learn at school and is
therefore a priority at St James.
Pupils will learn early stages of reading through our Read, Write Inc phonics scheme. Children will take part in phonics lesson each day that are tailored to their individual phonics level. Lesson’s are engaging and consistent so that pupils know exactly what to expect.
How are pupils taught to read?
• We teach phonics following the Read Write Inc. scheme.
• Read Write Inc is taught with fidelity to the systematic, synthetic phonics programme (SSP).
• Phonics is taught every day for 30 minutes.
• Phonics covers reading, reading comprehension and writing, including spelling, punctuation and grammar.
• Children read books that are closely matched to the grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPS) taught so far.
• Children record their phonics learning in phonics books.
• Children in YR and Year 1 also participate in a daily afternoon speed sound lesson.
• We use Oxford Owl online to support the teaching of phonics (e.g. to display resources from the books, to complete the online quizzes, to read the books online etc.)
• We use Oxford Owl to send home ebooks and videos to support children’s reading at home.
• We also use the Read Write Inc book bag books and send these home in addition to the phonics book that has been read in school.
All classrooms display a simple or a complex speed sound chart in the learning environment to support the application of phonics into writing.
Additional small speed sound charts are also readily available to the children.
• The Phonics lead carries out assessments at least half termly. Children are tested on their sounds, their accuracy and their fluency in reading.
• Children are grouped according to their assessment outcomes and spotlight children are identified.
• Identified spotlight children are given additional phonics tutoring to support the ‘keep up’ rather than ‘catch up’ approach.
• Both teachers and LSAs teach phonics groups.
• The Phonics Lead conducts daily learning walks to support the teaching of phonics.
• All staff receive initial Read Write Inc training as well as ongoing professional development through the use of individualised Practice Pathways and weekly CPD sessions.
• We also take part in an annual Read Write Inc Development Day as well as taking part in remote review sessions throughout the year.
• Children in Year 1 (and any Year 2s who did not meet the expected standard) take part in the Phonics Screening Check in June every year.
• Children in years 3 and 4 that have not completed the phonics scheme and part of phonics teaching in Key Stage 1.
• Children in year 5 and 6 that have not completed the phonics scheme are supported with Fresh Start.
The impact on the children is clear and assessable. Teaching phonics daily that is targeted at each individual pupil needs creates read-
ers that are fluent, confident and ready to take on the challenges of guided reading in KS2.
Regular half-termly assessments allow children to move through the scheme at their required rate and gaps in sound knowledge are
plugged meticulously in order to maximise progress.
As all aspects of English are an integral part of the curriculum, phonics skills are transferred into other subjects; this shows consoli-
dation of skills and a deeper understanding of how phonics unlocks many doors for children.
We hope that as children move on from Saint James to further their education and learning, that their creativity, passion for reading and
high aspirations travel with them and continue to grow and develop as they do. We want to give them the skills they need in writing so
that they can be courageous advocates and make positive change in the local and global society.
Curriculum overview
A summary of the Phonics curriculum can be found in the accordian container below:
Read all Set 1 single letter sounds
Blend sounds into words orally
Blend sounds to read words
Read short Ditty stories
Read Set 1 Special Friends
Read Red Storybooks
Read 4 double consonants
Read Green Storybooks
Read Green or Purple Storybooks
Read first 6 Set 2 sounds
Read Purple Storybooks
Read Set 2 sounds
Read Pink Storybooks
Read first 9 Set 3 sounds
Read Orange Storybooks
Read 17 Set 3 sounds
Read Yellow Storybooks
Read all Set 3 sounds and additional graphemes (e-e, ie, ue, au, kn, wh, ph)
Read Yellow Storybooks
Read Blue Storybooks
Read Grey Storybooks
Read Grey Storybooks with fluency and comprehension