Flexible supervision before and after school

Early Bird and Night Owl Clubs
Early Birds morning club
Our before-school club opens from 7:30am until the beginning of the school day.
Each Early Birds session costs £4.00, and breakfast can be provided for an additional £1.30.
Parents are welcome to use the front car park for dropping children to club until 8:15am, after which time there is strictly no parent parking.
Booking and payment must be made in advance via your Arbor account.
Night Owls after school club
Our after-school club opens from the end of the school day until 6pm.
Each Night Owls session costs £10.00.
Children will be given fruit and biscuit during the session, and they're welcome to bring a nut-free snack with them.
You must collect your children by 6pm at the latest. Parents are welcome to park in the school car park to collect their children after 4pm.
How to book
To enrol your child on either club for the first time, you'll need to contact the school office so your Arbor account can be set up to take bookings.
Booking is done through Arbor and can be booked 24 hours prior to required session:
Log inConcessions
Childcare vouchers
Saint James Primary can take payment using the following childcare vouchers:
- Computershare
- Edenred
- Sodexo
- Co-op
- Care-4
- RGChildcare
- Fideliti
Childcare vouchers are exempt from tax and National Insurance contributions. You will need to speak to your employer about this option.
Childcare vouchers must be processed and available on your account by the 5th of the month, otherwise we will cancel and future sessions that have not been paid for.
Tax-free childcare
We can accept payments via Tax-Free Childcare. The Tax-Free Childcare is the latest online government service which helps working parents with the cost of childcare.
Find out more about this service:
Frequently asked questions
What if I need to cancel a session and want a refund?
Once you have booked a session you will be unable to cancel it on your Arbor account and will need to contact the school office.
Please note that no refunds for cancellations can be made during the current month.
What if my child is absent?
If you phone the school to inform them that your child is absent, or if you take your child home early, please remind the office to let Night Owls club know your child will not be attending. This will save the Night Owls team time when they complete the register at the start of club.
What if I'm late to collect my child?
Children must be collected from Night Owls by 6.00pm at the latest. Collection after this time for any reason will incur a charge of £5.00 per quarter of an hour.
What if my child is late / attends other clubs?
If your child attends another club after school, before attending Night Owls, we strongly advise you to let us know. You should also inform us if your child is not attending their usual club so we can register them at the beginning of the session.
If a child is late and we are not notified we will follow our safeguarding procedure and contact the police / social services.
What if I drop my child off without a prior booking?
If children arrive unexpectedly or without a prior booking, parents will be contacted to collect their child. Parents will incur a non-negotiable fee of £10.00 per child on each occasion in addition to the £10.00 Night Owls fee.
If a child repeatedly arrives without a prior booking then we reserve the right to withdraw your child from being able to use the scheme.
Who do I contact at the club in case of an emergency?
Phone the session supervisor on 07596 273 995. If this fails you can try to contact the school office instead.