
Raise a complaint
Who can make a complaint?
Any person, including members of the public, may make a complaint to Saint James Church of England Primary School about any provision of facilities or services that we provide.
Saint James Church of England Primary School takes concerns seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
Escalation procedure
In the vast majority of instances, concerns or complaints can be addressed through an email or phone call to the class teacher and will never need to be formalised.
It is always best to act on these concerns swiftly as this gives school staff the greatest opportunity to address concerns effectively.
Only if an issue is not resolved satisfactorily should a complainant be escalated up our pyramid of hierarchy (see below).
Pyramid of hierarchy
Your complaint will be gradually escalated to a higher level if it can't be resolved by somebody lower in the hierarchy:
- Level 1 - Class teacher
- Level 2 - Phase leader
- Level 3 - Assistant head
- Level 4 - Deputy head
- Level 5 - Head teacher and Chair of governors
If in doubt, you can also contact our school office who will be able to guide you.
Anonymous complaints
We will not normally investigate an anonymous complaint but if appropriate the headteacher or Chair of Governors will determine whether the complaint warrants an investigation.
Complaints policy
For a more detailed explanation about our intenal complaints procedures please refer to our online complaints policy.