Vision and values
Our Christian Values
We framed our School's values around the Christian values of Love, Respect and Courage.
We developed and agreed these values with input from all shareholders in the school, including teachers, LSAs, governors and children.
At Saint James we accept challenges, take risks and work to make positive changes in ourselves and our community.
We focus on building resilience and compassionate relationships to allow everyone to flourish.
We use our Christian values to guide us, develop skills to navigate rough seas and transform our world.
We encourage everyone in our school community to:
- Show Love through tolerance and understanding of people’s differences.
- Show Respect in being able to treat others as we would wish to be treated ourselves.
- Show Courage to stand up for our beliefs and persevere when it could be easier to give up.
Our Vision
Be strong and courageous and do it!
1 Chronicles 28:20
At Saint James we accept challenges, take risks and work to make positive changes in ourselves and our community.
Focusing on building resilience and compassionate relationships allows everyone to flourish.
Using our Christian values to guide us, we develop skills to navigate rough seas and transform our world.

Our Badge
Designed by our pupils
Our current school badge was designed after the Christian values for Saint James Primary School were reimagined and revised in 2016.
The values were chosen through consultation with governors, staff and a representation of pupils and are considered, by all stakeholders, to best reflect the ethos and priorities of our school.
The chosen design is an amalgamation of ideas put forward by pupils and our children are able to verbalise the significance of each symbol.
Scallop Shell
Saint James' emblem is the scallop shell and is often worn by pilgrims following the Camino de Santiago to his burial place in Santiago de Compostela.
The scallop shell, which is often found on the shores in Galicia, has long been the symbol- of Saint James. Over the centuries the scallop shell has taken on a variety of meanings, metaphorical, practical, and mythical.
Linked Bible story: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10 25-37)
Learning with love
Develop our independence.
Love Learning together.
Be resilient and determined learners.
Linked Bible story: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 2: 4-16)
Reflecting with Respect
Be reflective and grow from our mistakes.
Use self-regulation to make good choices.
See the good in ourselves and others.
Linked Bible story: David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17: 1-25)
Caring with Courage
Take risks to bring about positive change.
Show compassion to those in need.
Respect and look after our environment.