Saint James Church
About Saint James Church

Saint James Church is part of the Church of England and based in West End just a short distance away from the school.
As a faith school, Saint James CE Primary School has strong ties with Saint James Church and several of their members sit as permanent Governors.
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At Saint James CE Primary School we benefit from strong links with Saint James Church.
We are fortunate to have the support of our school chaplain, Reverend Linda, who works with us two days a the week.
Our chaplain Linda has excellent interpersonal skills and makes herself available and accessible to all the children. Linda will also provide comfort and spiritual guidance in response to their issues.
Linda encourages the children to live out their faith in their daily living; developing positive relationships with and beyond the school community.
Collective worship

At Saint James CE Primary School we have an act of Collective Worship each day.
The theme and content of collective worship is planned in collaboration with the School Chaplain.
Members of the church often lead our collective worship, and have helped to run successful ‘Prayer Spaces’ activities with all pupils.