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Love, Respect and Courage

Saint James' School aims to develop children into independent, reflective, life-long learners who won't shy away from challenges in our rapidly changing world.

Understand our values

We develop good citizens

School isn't just about learning facts and figures; it also about learning how to work with others, and make a positive contribution to the wider world.

Read our inclusion policies

Rated 'Good' in our latest Ofsted

In our latest Ofsted report our school was reported to develop and maintain a high standard of behaviour, with children noting "there is no bullying here".

View latest Ofsted report

Life at our school

Read our guide about the life of a Saint James pupil, and how we instil our three core values of love, respect and courage.

View guide

Starting School in September 2025

If your child will be 4 years old before 1st September 2025, please make an appointment for a tour via our school office: 023 80 900995.

More Information

"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

Practical information

Frequently accessed services and information.

Classes & year groups

Our accomplishments throughout the academic year.

  • Year R

    Covers classes England, Scotland and Wales.

  • Year 1

    Covers classes Italy, Portugal and Spain.

  • Year 2

    Covers classes France, Germany and Poland.

  • Year 3

    Covers classes Gambia, Kenya and South Africa.

  • Year 4

    Covers classes Finland, Norway and Sweden.

  • Year 5

    Covers classes Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

  • Year 6

    Covers classes China, India and Japan.


How our school makes links with local people.


The subjects we teach to young people.

  • Art

    Uncover artistic expression and how it captivates our senses.

  • Design & technology (DT)

    Use technology to engineer solutions to common problems.

  • French

    Start your journey learning a widely spoken foreign language.

  • Geography

    Learn about different human and physical environments.

  • History

    Find out how people lived in the past and what we can learn from it.

  • Information & communication technology (ICT)

    Work with computers to manage and share different forms of data.

  • Maths

    Use the language of numbers to understand the world around us.

  • Music

    Discover the universal language of sound and how it connects us.

  • Personal, social, health & economic education (PSHE)

    Important life skills to prepare for the responsibilities of adulthood.

  • Phonics

    Learn how to read and write an alphabetic language.

  • Physical education (PE)

    Learn about fitness and how to train the human physical form.

  • Reading

    Develop reading skills essential to modern life.

  • Religious education (RE)

    Explore how different people celebrate their faith worldwide.

  • Science

    Explore how the scientific method contributes to new knowledge.

  • Writing

    Learn to form letters, words and sentences by hand.

  • Handwring

    Learning to form letters and numbers.


Learn who we are and how to contact us.

Performance and reporting

Find out about school policies and performance.